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- Partners Program
- How much will it cost me?
- Who does the work?
- How does it work?
- Why is using the Rakuten Affiliate Network?
- How do you earn revenue?
Partners Program
Thanks for your interest in our Partners Program. would like to offer you the opportunity to earn commission revenue for any visitors you refer to our site who complete a purchase. (For added flexibility, the link to our site may be in the form of a banner ad, icon, or text link.)
This is an opportunity for you to earn revenue and to offer your visitors a comprehensive experience while at your site. Along with quality content, your visitors will now have the ability to purchase brand name fragrances at deep discounts from
You can create a virtual storefront of our products, without having to stock inventory or invest in a costly merchant server. You can also include textual links within your content, such as product reviews, feature articles, and so on.
In order to participate in our Partners Program, we ask that you join The Rakuten Affiliate Network, by visiting here.
Getting started is simple and free. Once you register with Rakuten you will be able to participate in our commission agreements by selecting our posted offer. The Rakuten Affiliate Network will automatically maintain, manage, and track all transactions completed as a result of links from your site, sending monthly statements regarding commission payments due to you.
If you are interested in participating in our Partners Program, please visit Rakuten here.
If you have any specific questions regarding The Rakuten Affiliate Network, please contact Rakuten at [email protected].
If you have any questions or comments for, please contact us at [email protected] or 631-582-5204.
Please read below for further information on our Partners Program & Rakuten.
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How much will it cost me?
Rakuten is free for site owners, so you will not have to pay for using this service.
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Who does the work?
The Rakuten Affiliate Network is responsible for tracking and calculating the commissions that are owed to you. Using their patent pending Referral Tracking and Payment (RTP) technology, The Rakuten Affiliate Network will monitor all users who leave your site to visit a participating merchant.
The Rakuten Affiliate Network does not use cookies so there is never the threat of losing commissions on users who refuse to take a cookie. Furthermore, The Rakuten Affiliate Network does not take any personal information or credit cards from the user, so invasion of privacy is not an issue.
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How does it work?
Directions for using Rakuten Partners can be found at the Rakuten Web site. The system is simple to learn and easy to use. Rakuten tracks each user from the moment they click on a link to from your site to the final completion of sale.
Through a secure connection with the merchant's server all pertinent information from the sale is forwarded to The Rakuten Affiliate Network. All this information is then compiled at The Rakuten Affiliate Network. will take the order, complete the sale, supply the product, handle the customer service, and bill the customer.
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Why is using the Rakuten Affiliate Network?
The Rakuten Affiliate Network is a neutral third party. They fulfill a unique auditing feature that allows us to ensure accurate commission calculations. As a site owner, you should feel confident that you will receive the appropriate commission for each referred sale. At the end of each month, you will receive a consolidated bill that tells you what sales you have promoted each month and what commissions are due. The Rakuten Affiliate Network also provides you with all the feedback that you will need to monitor and build your sales online.
back to topHow do you earn revenue?
By joining the Partners Program, we will pay you a percentage of all the sales that you help us to complete. Whether you're providing information, entertainment, or sales, people visit your Web site because they respect your expertise and your point of view. They also come for your help in finding further information, something you probably provide by adding links to other sites.
Providing some value-added service to the products such as reviewing products, creating stories about our products or simply informing your users of the experience is another great way to help your visitors stay informed: you can offer them direct access to the products you select from being a member of the Partners Program. This is especially useful if your site focuses on specialized information.
Register with the Rakuten Affiliate Network and participate in the Partners Program.
Any questions, E-mail Rakuten at: [email protected].
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